Happy BirthDeathBury-day![15.02.25]

Haha, yeah, whoops.

RIP notice with date of burial

Yeah, so it’s been a whole year since I buried my poor gull. Work got very busy and stressful last summer, and then the good weather for doing things outside disappeared, so I haven’t yet actually gotten around to digging up and preparing my dead. I keep researching what to do, but also then forgetting what exactly I need to do. I'm currently in a bit of a financial dip, but once I've gotten a bit more comfortable with the amount of money in my accounts, I do have a plan of action and a shopping list.

I joined the vultureculture subreddit, and their links for beginners were definitely very helpful. theboneman.com particularly I’ve spent a bit of time poking around, and I do now have some ideas of what I need:

I also want to make sure the outdoor drain is, in fact, an outdoor drain, because I get the feeling that this isn’t the kind of stuff that I want to just be pouring into the ground. But then, I suppose, the plan is as follows:

I am hoping that in a couple of months the weather will start to improve enough that I can actually make a move on this project. And once I have the bones cleaned and whitened... Well. I guess I'm gonna have to figure out articulation. That's gonna be a whole different ballgame though.

Here's to hoping it doesn't take another year to get to this guy. Sorry little gull, but hope to see you soon!