Since hearing about Wiby, I've been excited to poke around and have a look at the sites I might find using it. After finding a couple of pages that I just loved - due to aesthetic, content, or just Cause - I decided to do a little Wiby blog to document some sites I really like, and might want to check back on in the future.

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Vintage Calculators

I cannot really describe to you exactly why I love this site so much. There's no reason. I am not particularly interested in calculators. But something about the look of this site is so perfect to me, exactly the kind of aesthetics I love in old websites. It's just a little rough around the edges in the perfect way that makes it feel so obviously like a hand-coded passion project. I'm intrigued by the mention of old calculators specifically for pre-decimal Sterling too, so I guess I will be poking around at the content here haha.

Crimson Skies - Nations

I have no idea what Crimson Skies is, and I'd never heard of it before I was put onto this site by Wiby, but I do love the aesthetic of it. The alternate-history info, and the State-Countries they've come up with, is super interesting, and I just have to admit, the look of the site drew me in. The concept is very interesting and I appreciate the amount of detail put into it. Definitely a site for poking around at.