
I've joked before that "my favourite horror genre is British Public Information Films". And while, for the most part, it is indeed a joke, in some aspects, I'm very serious about it.

Public Information Films and Public Service Announcements are genuinely one of the most intriguing genres I’ve ever encountered. British PIFS and PSAs specifically are intriguing to me both as a Brit, and as a lover of horror and scary things. For some reason here we seem to get a higher number of more terrifying PSAs, and if you look at compilations of "Top __ Scariest PSAs", you’ll quite often find a lot of them are British. The horror can be as varied as the rest of the horror genre, from quiet creeping dread, anxiety, implication, shock, gore… And all of these usually in adverts that are no longer than a minute. In that way, it really intrigues me - how horror tactics are used to convey messages, and the ways it sticks with us.

Of course, while British PSAs are particular favourites of mine, other countries have their own top picks for scary/terrifying/creepy PSAs and PIFs; Canada has had a fair few, as have France and Spain. Sometimes I'll just get into the mood for a good few hours of trawling PSA and PIF channels or articles, searching for new, intriguing, and scary PSAs to watch like bite-sized horror movies.

Listed here are some of my top picks; PSAs or PIFs that have really stuck with me, that exemplify what I love in this "genre", honourable mentions, Big Names, and favourites. Hopefully, you enjoy trawling my little PSA and PIF shrine!!
